Mango Pina Colada Smoothie to Fight Acne

acne control smoothie

Control Acne with a Mango Pina Colada Smoothie

Mango Pina Colada Smoothie to Fight Acne. Smoothies are one of the easiest and quickest ways to deliver nutrients, vitamins, and anti-oxidants to the body, which are essential in preventing the growth of acne causing bacteria. Consume an acne fighting smoothie once or twice a day, and you’ll build healthy and very resistant skin cells that won’t allow acne to form.

Note the ingredients and the color of your smoothies as it’s all relevant to revving up your immune system and creating an environment that prevents bacteria from growing.

GREEN – consist of phyto-nutrients, micro-nutrients and vitamins, which will enhance red blood cells to deliver a consistent flow of nutrition to your skin surface.
ORANGE – will consist of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which aid in building the healthiest acne resistant skin cells.
DARK RED, BLUE AND PURPLE – full of antioxidants and micro-nutrients which helps your immune system prevent bacteria from getting into your skin. Mix all 3 colors and you’ll get a super nutritious brown smoothie.


Banana – contain phenolics with antimicrobials that treat lesions, vitamin A for inflammation
Mango – loaded with beta-carotene (anti-aging effect), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and minerals like copper, potassium, and magnesium that play an important part in producing collagen to firm the skin
Peaches – great source of Vitamin C, helps remove dark circles and blemishes, tightens pores, is a common ingredient in anti-aging face masks
Coconut Water – healthy fats (lauric acid and caprylic acid) transform into potent antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal agents, which attack candida and bacteria inside the body. Also rich in unsaturated fats
Greek Yogurt – has natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties, and probiotics that can actually prevent and control acne breakouts
Vanilla – loaded with antioxidants that help repair your skin at the molecular level and promotes more vibrant skin

Mango Pina Colada Smoothie to Fight Acne

1 Mango, chopped
1 Banana
1 Peach, no pit
½ c of Coconut water
½ c of Coconut flakes
1 tsp Vanilla
1 c Greek Yogurt
Ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in a blender. Add ice for your desired smoothie consistency

Let me know what you think.  Are you looking for other smoothie recipes?  Visit our SMOOTHIE & JUICING page for more delicious blends.  Ciao 🙂

mango pina colada to control acne

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