5 Reasons to Take Vacations

5 reasons to take a vacation

Vacations – Why It’s Important to Take Them and How They Benefit Your Health

5 Reasons to Take Vacations. We all need time to get away, to not have any plans, to just RELAX and take a break from all the stress of everyday living.  You get to take this time and spend it with family and friends and simply enjoy doing things you truly like.  Vacations bring you happiness and are overall great for your health.


But most importantly is VACATIONS RELIEVE STRESS.  And speaking of STRESS – did you know:

  • Stress is recognized by many as the No. 1 proxy killer disease today
  • The American Medical Association has noted that STRESS is the basic cause of more than 60 percent of all human illness and disease.
  • People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals.


With this being said, here are the 5 Reasons Why It is Important To Take Vacations and How They Benefit Your Health:

  1. VACATIONS RELIEVE STRESS: Research shows a direct link between stress and health conditions such as headaches, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other types of infections acquired as a result of a weaker immune system.
  2. VACATIONS REFRESH YOUR PERSPECTIVE: Taking some well needed time away allows you to rebuild energy and most often to find simple solutions to overwhelming problems.
  3. VACATIONS MAKE YOU MORE PRODUCTIVE AT WORK: By taking time away from your job, vacations help you to relax, get refreshed and return to work with a clear and focused mind. A well-rested mind that’s free of worry is often more effective and creative.
  4. VACATIONS ALLOW YOU TO HAVE FUN: Taking time off to just enjoy life, be grateful for all you have, maybe meet new people and create close relationships, and most importantly – to laugh and do the things you enjoy most.
  5. VACATIONS STRENGTHEN FAMILY TIES: Everyone lives a busy life, making it difficult to connect with those who truly matter. Spending some well deserved quality time together builds stronger bonds along with lasting memories.



And speaking of LASTING MEMORIES … my first memorable vacation was taken in Oahu, Hawaii, the location shown in the photo.  I was 20 years old  when I took the trip to Hawaii – went there to visit my boyfriend who was enlisted in the Navy and stationed in Oahu.  We lived, loved, and laughed the entire time he was on leave, which was close to 2 months.  I was so blessed and fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend this time with him.  Oh, and did I mention he is now my husband.  So yes, vacations can build bonds and relationships.

So take a vacation people, even if it’s only for a weekend. Go out and enjoy your life now as you only have ONE !!

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