Carrot and Apple Juice to Boost Your Immune System

carrot and apple immune booster juice recipe

Immune System Booster with Carrot and Apple Juice

Carrot and Apple Juice to Boost your Immune System. Eat your fruits and vegetables – we’ve all been told this since childhood. They said it’ll give us strong bones (look at Popeye), keep us healthy and build our immune systems (an apple a day keeps the doctor away). But because of hectic schedules, work overload and even the taste of some fruits and vegetables, it’s just not possible to get all those recommended daily doses.

Here’s where juicing comes in. Once you know which fruits and vegetables have the immune-boosting compounds and you yourself actually feel the effects of the juices … you too will jump on the juicing wagon. Remove the fiber from the ingredients, yet still keep its nutritional values, and you’ve got yourself one powerful immune building juice.

These delicious recipe combinations will do all this for you – jumpstart the amount of raw food you consume and supply your body with more energy – which in turn will boost your immune system. And a good immune system will ward off the common cold and has been found to ward off chronic diseases as well. So start by juicing up this recipe today.


Carrots – contains the antioxidant beta carotene which turns into Vitamin A needed for healthy skin, Vitamin C which stimulates the production of collagen in our skin, Potassium for keeping your heart, muscles, and digestive tract functional, and Magnesium which nourishes your bones and teeth
Apples – contain Vitamin A which helps nourish your skin and boost your immune system, Vitamin C which is a disease preventative, and potassium for keeping your heart, muscles, and digestive tract functional
Ginger – contains antioxidants that may help prevent or treat arthritis, inflammation, and various types of infection, is also rich in gingerol that has anti-inflammatory properties
Celery – filled with antioxidant compounds flavanols, flavones, and phenolic acids which help reduce blood pressure, has magnesium which nourishes your bones and teeth, has antimicrobial properties that help fight infections and reduces uric acid, is high in calcium, silicon, and Vitamin K
Lemons – high in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant which enhances the immune system and has antiviral and antibacterial properties

Carrot and Apple Juice to Boost your Immune System

5 large Carrots
2 med Apples
1″ of Ginger
3 Celery stalks
1/2 Lemon

Run each ingredient through your juicer and mix thoroughly. Add water if desired.

Let me know what you think.  Are you looking for other smoothie recipes?  Visit our SMOOTHIE & JUICING page for more delicious blends.  Ciao 🙂

The best immune boosting juice

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