What causes skin tags and how to remove them – Saturday Special

Saturday Special 11/23/19


Skin Tags – What causes them and how to remove them

While it is not clear what exactly causes skin tags, many doctors say it’s when clusters of collagen and blood vessels become trapped inside your skin. They are very common in skin creases and folds where you have skin rubbing against skin.

A few things to know about skin tags – they’re very common with more than 3 million US cases per year; they’re usually harmless and painless; most don’t require treatment, but if they become irritated or their appearance are bothersome, they can be treated by a medical professional OR … YOU CAN USE THE REMOVAL CREAM CALLED HALODERM AND DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE YOURSELF A TON OF MONEY

Case in point – ME
So I have the ungodly habit of rubbing my eyes and am always clearing the inside corner of my eyes. One day I noticed the beginning of a growth under my right eye near the corner. I didn’t think anything of it until it started growing. I’ve had small skin tags before (not on my face), where I would simply take my trusty little scissors and snip them off. Yes they would bleed a bit, but once it stopped and scabbed over, the tag was gone forever.

But this one was different as it was on my face and UNDER MY EYE. So yes, don’t judge me here, but as nervous as I was, I took out my trusty little scissors and snipped it off as I’ve done before. Viola – tag gone, tiny scab appeared and then fell off, all was good. Until a week later it appeared again, and over the next couple days started growing bigger than before. So I snipped again.

This went on a couple more times and that’s when I realized my “trusty little scissors” wasn’t working anymore and I needed to try something else. While yes, I could have set up a dermatologist appointment but I wasn’t willing to part with hundreds of dollars. So after doing some research I came across the HaloDerm treatment.

I followed the instructions, did exactly as was told, and as the good Lord as my witness – IT WORKED. The tag fell off in a matter of days. Now I will say – the tube specifically says DO NOT USE NEAR EYES. But after reading the reviews one stood out for me. This reviewer used it on a tag on their eye lid and said “as long as you don’t rinse the ointment off towards your eye – rub up and away” you would be fine. So I did just that. I too am a satisfied customer and highly recommend this product for anyone wanting to remove a tag.

The product specifically states it is for tags and moles. And altho I do have a couple of moles I could probably remove, I’ve not tried it on them … YET. But other reviewers have and HaloDerm has worked for them.

Check out the link below and order yours today – I guarantee it’ll work for any tag you may have. If not, there’s a money back guarantee.