3 Best Beauty Tonics for Healthy Skin

3 Best Beauty Tonics for Healthy Skin

ABC Tonic, Ginger-Cucumber Tonic and Turmeric Tonic

3 Best Beauty Tonics for Healthy Skin.  What we eat has a direct effect on the health of our skin.  Acne, fine lines, puffiness, sagging skin are all signs that something is off balance inside.  Good news … when we eat good foods it shows with radiant skin, a glowing complexion, and more.   Bad news  … life happens and sometimes our lives are hectic or we have so much on our plate it’s not always possible to eat healthy foods or well balanced meals.

What you CAN do is take a few minutes out your day just for YOU and whip yourself up a couple of these tonics  for a more radiant, younger looking YOU – all from the inside out. They’re light,  low-calorie, and loaded with benefits.  Drink these tonics regularly and you should notice your skin appearing brighter, clearer and more youthful.  Check them out today 🙂


ABC TONIC – for clearer brighter skin as this drink is made with Apple juice (has vitamin C to heal breakouts), Beet juice (loaded with anti-inflammatory betalain to help calm irritated skin), and Carrot juice (delivers brightening antioxidants).

  • 2 oz beet juice
  • 1 oz carrot juice
  • 1 oz apple juice
  • 2 oz sparking water

Juice your own or buy organic.  Fill a tall glass with ice and add the juices above.  Stir and enjoy


GINGER CUCUMBER TONIC – the puffiness around your eyes, cheeks and neck is usually the result of too much salt or the lack of sleep.  Mix up this tonic as it contains cucumber and celery that will help flush out toxins and excess water.

  • small handful of kale
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 mint leaf
  • 2-4oz of water
  • 1″ fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients above in a blender – pour in tall glass and drink up


ICED TURMERIC TONIC – perfect for fine lines and wrinkles as turmeric has a high concentration of antioxidants to fight free radical damage.  Give it a go

  • 6 oz coconut water
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp honey

Put coconut water in a cup and microwave for one minute or until it’s hot.  Sir in turmeric and steep 10-15 minutes.  Stir in the cinnamon and honey until it’s well blended.  Can be drank 2 ways 1) refrigerate until cool, then pour into a tall glass halfway filled with ice, or 2) sip it hot.  Both ways are delish


3 best beauty tonics for healthy skin

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