Exhausted? 4 Ways to Feel Better Fast

4 ways to feel better fast

4 Ways to Feel Better Fast and Beat Tiredness

Exhausted? 4 Ways to Feel Better Fast. This is me come mid-afternoon. Is it because I’ve been busy doing things around my house, or the fact my dogs wake me up at the crack of dawn (we breed German Shepherds), or maybe it’s age? Not sure but that wave of tiredness always hits me around 3:00.

If I try to take a quick nap, or as my mom used to call it “just resting my eyes” (I’ve pulled that one too when my kids were small and it became a joke among us all) all it takes is 15 minutes for me to get my energy back. But seeing all the kids have moved on and there’s no one here to wake me, these “little naps” usually turn into 4-5 hours (not really a nap anymore), and then I’m up until late hours at night. So I needed to find other ways to beat the tiredness and help get me through these afternoon humps.

And then I came across the 4 Ways To Feel Better Fast – which I’ve actually tried (totally dig #2 “eat dark chocolate”) and funny thing – they work. I can honestly say the afternoon naps have come to a minimal and I can now power through until bedtime. So here I am passing this info on to you – just in case you too need to beat tiredness and get your get-up and go back. Enjoy 🙂

4 Ways to Feel Better Fast

1. Down 12 oz. of Cold Water

drink cold water for energyCold Water will increase your energy in less than one minute according to Jacob Teilelbaum, MD and author of From Fatigued to Fantastic.  He says “when you’re dehydrated, your blood thickens, and the nutrients it carries don’t reach organs the way they should, making you sluggish”.  Makes perfect sense, right?  So drink your cold water and see what happens

2. Eat Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate for energySkip the cup of coffee as it will cause a crash within an hour or two.  Instead indulge with a small square of dark chocolate and let it melt on your tongue.  It stimulates pleasure receptors in the brain and is full of antioxidants – both of which will increase energy.

3. Take a Brisk Walk

10 minute walk for energyI bet you didn’t know that just a 10 minute walk can significantly increase blood flow and brain activity.  Yes it does – a brisk walk will up your energy levels all day long, even if you have a chronic health problem like fibromyalgia.  And like it says – it only takes 10 minutes.  So bundle up and walk for 10

4. Rub Your Ears

rub your ears for energyNow this was a bit weird, but it did the trick.  Using your thumb and your forefinger, pinch the outside of each ear, starting at the top and working your way down to your lobe.  Do this 2 or 3 times as it will stimulate energy receptors in the body – which will help you feel more awake.

Did this help you Find Your Get Up and Go?

And there you have them – the 4 Ways to Feel Better Fast. Give one a try – better yet DO ALL 4 the next time you’re starting to burn out or feel exhausted. Certainly can’t hurt. And hopefully they’ll prevent those afternoon naps like they did for me !! Ciao 🙂

4 ways to quickly overcome tiredness

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