Spirulina And The Glowing Skin Berry Smoothie

glowing skin berry smoothie

Spirulina For Acne

Another Great Smoothie For Acne

Spirulina And A Glowing Skin Berry Smoothie. If you’re struggling with acne, and yes – you can even have it when you’re over 50, or have children or grandchildren that are struggling with acne, then these next few post are for you.  As I’ve posted before, I’m on a mission to help my college son with his acne, a skin condition he’s been struggling with for years.  The topicals, prescriptions, and everything else he’s tried, have not worked.  Now I’m aiming to help him tackle the acne FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

There have been several studies made that suggest following a healthy diet can help prevent and treat acne. Foods that are rich in the following nutrients are linked to lower levels of acne: complex carbohydrates, zinc, vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants.  Foods that contain CHLOROPHYLL (the pigment found in plants that give it their green color) and SPIRULINA (an algae that is rich in vitamins B, C and E. It also contains high contents of macro minerals like zinc (which is needed if you’re struggling with your skin) calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. It’s also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids (which is also great for your skin).


So now all the smoothies that I’m making for my son for his acne, and myself for glowing skin, are made with healthy foods and the #2 SUPERFOOD – SPIRULINA. Check out what’s the big deal with spirulina here.  In the meantime, whip up this GLOWING SKIN BERRY SMOOTHIE and see how it can help your complexion as well.

This GLOWING SKIN BERRY SMOOTHIE is rich in vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy, radiant skin.

Berries for antioxidants, which keep the skin looking young by protecting it from the sun’s damaging rays. They also boost the skin’s production of collagen, which makes the skin soft, smooth and younger looking.

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce irritation, redness and inflammation of the skin and keep your skin hydrated and smooth in appearance.

Greek Yogurt is high in protein, helps to firm up and maintain skin elasticity

Kale‘s consists of nutrients that give your skin a healthy appearance – lots of vitamin K in this puppy.

Spirulina has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling, acne and prevent further breakouts as well. It increases your skin’s metabolism which enables faster healing and also prevents bacteria overgrowth.

Smoothie time – let’s make one for glowing skin !!


1/4 cup water
1/2 cup blueberries fresh or frozen
1/4 cup raspberries fresh or frozen
1/4 cup strawberries fresh or frozen
1/4 cup chopped kale leaves
6 ounces Greek yogurt 0% fat
1 tbl honey
2 tsp flaxseeds
1 tbl spirulina

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until creamy and smooth.  Add more water to make it thinner or ice to make it thicker.

Bottoms up and enjoy.  Let me know what you think and if these smoothies are showing good results.  And are you looking for more smoothie recipes?  Make sure to check our Thirsty Thursday page for additional delicious blends.  Ciao 🙂


Spirulina And The Glowing Skin Berry Smoothie

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